handling & care

for pencil, pastels, and charcoal drawings



Pencil, pastel, and charcoal are easily smudged and require careful handling.Please keep away from moisture, friction,and direct sunlight.

There may be a protective sheet of glassine included with your drawing. When removing this sheet, take care to lift up and away fromthe surface of the drawing; sliding the surfaces against each other, side to side, may cause smudging. The glassine cover may be reused to protect the piece during transport or for storage before framing.

For pastel & charcoal pieces:

Refrain from placing heavy objects on top of the drawing during storage. The dimensional texture of the pigment powders is delicate, and excessive weight may cause compression and smudging.



A matboard or spacer is recommended to prevent the surface of the piece from touching the glass directly. Traditionally, glass has been preferable, as acrylic can generate static that attracts the pigment particles away from the paper, but there are modern options that perform well. A good framing company should be able provide more details. I recommend Small Works and Orion Framing in San Francisco.

For pastel & charcoal pieces:

To avoid any loose particles falling onto the mat or glass once framed, avoid turning the piece face down. A reverse bevel or spacer between the matboard and drawing are framing options that would allow any particles to fall away from sight.